
The Broads - Christine and Molly - invite you into their ever-evolving world of insecurities, likes, dislikes, and infatuations, all while bringing the latest in pop culture. From psychics and dream analysts, to health and wellness, to crime news, gossip, music, movies, and television, BROADMINDED has a little something for everyone. They're loud, honest, and rarely polite...admit it, you can relate!

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday June 27th 2011

Molly talked all about her date, it didn't go that great but hey she is getting out there. Then Christine shared her story of pranking gone wrong, what do you think?

Up first our cell phones are killing us?????
Ann Louise Gittleman, PHD and Author of "Zapped: Why your cell phone shouldn't be your alarm clock" http://www.annlouise.com/

Hopeline Domestic Violence Entrepreneurship Grant Program, http://www.verizonfoundation.org/

Harold Mintz donated a kidney because he wanted to http://www.organdonor.gov/Default.asp

Give us a call for psychic Sherry Sherry, 866-267-0447 www.sherrysherry.com

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