
The Broads - Christine and Molly - invite you into their ever-evolving world of insecurities, likes, dislikes, and infatuations, all while bringing the latest in pop culture. From psychics and dream analysts, to health and wellness, to crime news, gossip, music, movies, and television, BROADMINDED has a little something for everyone. They're loud, honest, and rarely polite...admit it, you can relate!

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Get Ready to Detox with Alexandra Jamieson

Who wants to join us??? Check out her site!


Anonymous said...

I'm there! When do we start? I've done this twice before on my own--both times for 11 days. Will be wonderful to have "company" on this journey.

Debra said...

Want to try this! Drive truck, over the road, but want to try this! Which would mean--much less Diet Pepsi---that would be a big challenge, but would be worth it!