
The Broads - Christine and Molly - invite you into their ever-evolving world of insecurities, likes, dislikes, and infatuations, all while bringing the latest in pop culture. From psychics and dream analysts, to health and wellness, to crime news, gossip, music, movies, and television, BROADMINDED has a little something for everyone. They're loud, honest, and rarely polite...admit it, you can relate!

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

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Anonymous said...

It is 6 p.m. on the west coast and some other show is on instead of broadminded!!! Did you guys change the schedule?? I'm so bummed!!!

Tina said...

Hi, this is in response to the comment left the 23rd. I just looked at the schedule on XM and it appears that they only replay the broads show for an hour on Thursdays. It is on 8-9 PM eastern time. the rest of the week it is replayed from 8-10 eastern time. That would be 5 pm in the west. Does not repeat on the weekends at all. Just wanted to let you know! I would recommend checking XMradio.com to find out if they will be on ahead of time. :)

debbie said...

What r u holes under on the twitter page I cant bring u up

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I listen to you broads because I want to hear what nonsense you're talking about. It's not
so much about the topic, but it's your take on the topics that really make me say to my radio "you two
are so lame" so many times you don't know the names of people who you are talking about, but that doesn't bother me so much as your juvenile take on everything from American Idol to any given guest. You are both such suck ups and I feel that if I went to school with you, I would probably think you were extremely "uncool" even though we have many interests in common, i.e., drama, for instance the way you ALWAYS use the word 'FILM' like you are so sophisticated, then you make some lame
point about the film. All I can say is that your radio
station confirms my feelings about talk radio, particularly left wing radio, IT SUCKS!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hope the BIG news is Shari is coming back (yeah, right). I have a feeling it's "We'll be on Sirious starting on Monday" (hohum). I thought they were playing a repeat of the AI from yesterday's show with them talking about "mole boy", again.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous who is talking all that shiz about my broads....I got one question how fat are you exactly?

shamie said...

I used to drive a lot and I could listen to your show but now I take public transportation. I still pay for XM .. how do I get to listen to your show?? I miss you holes!

Nita said...

Hey, what happened to Producer Pat? Is he still producing the show, I never hear him anymore?

Anonymous said...

this message is for Nita, Pat had to take another job when they were off the air. He works for another channell on XM, I forgot which one. They said they hope he could come back. No word since then.

Nita said...

Great, thanks for the info. I really liked him on the show and I miss Jason.